Sunday, July 8, 2012

Why should I ride dirt bikes? Convincing parents

Why should I ride dirt bikes?

The reason is very simple, it is a LOT of fun there isnt another clear explanation. There is just something about interacting with a machine to work together and move together that just makes riding a motorcycle a experience like no other thing on this world. When you race a marathon you only test your body and mind and they work together to get you to the finish, with a motorcycle you have the man,mind and machine working together to get to the finish, is this blend of physical and menthal strength needed to control a machine with an engine and two wheels that just makes of it an exiliriating experience. If you are unsure you like them, try one, you will know right away if you want one. Some time after that you will decide whether you prefer to ride and race or just ride for fun, whatever you choose to do, I am sure you are going to like it, like it A LOT.

Riding dirt bikes is FUN

Convincing your parents?

Nobody in my family or in my circle used to ride or race competitively but i was completely crazy about them and i always wanted to get one regardless of what anyone said about them and "how dangerous they are". I mean of course there is danger in anything you do in your life, but you can also hurt yourself with a kitchen knife or a slippery shower or even just playing soccer or football. The bottom line is that if you act stupid you will get hurt regardless of the activity and including motorcycles. So as long as you act normally and always ride to the limit of your riding capability, you should be OK. If you tend to visit the hospital on the monthly basis for doing stupid stuff to record videos on youtube, your parents arent going to probably agree to get you anywhere near a motorized vehicle, so if you are serious about motorcycles and riding and racing, show to your parents that you really want it and are commited to it, you really need their support to get started and they will be willing to support you as long as they see that you really want it and not just pretended you did (like when you made them buy stuff from the sports authority and collected dust for years in the attic and finally were sold for pennies at a garage sale).

Be a good boy, show your parents you really want to ride and they will reward you, this could be you

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